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Born in Dubrovnik -09 12 1988- prettiest place ever, grown up watching cartoons, movies and F1. Finished art school as painter, went to Art Academy and got Masters Degree in Animated film and new media. I freelance a lot, I worked for studios in Croatia since I was 18, producing animation for commercials, animated shows. One of the studios recognized my camera skills inside 3D, so they gave me a job of a camera trainee. Camera was Weisscam, slow motion cam. That's where my set work began. Shot some beer, food commercials. From that onwards, I worked on Game of Thrones, Robin Hood, The Last Jedi and few other VFX data wrangling set work. In 2017 started working as previs / postvis artist at The Third Floor. Since then I have worked on few childhood dream projects like Spiderman, new Skywalker movie and few more. Every project is a new learning curve, so with that in mind, I'm always looking for new opportunities.  Oh and I played American football, tennis (8 years of my life), love football and skateboard. And sea. And islands. And bike.  So, you can check my work here, hope you find something interesting and feel free to contact me!



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